OpenXava does not include a complete security and navigation system, although you can easily add security and navigation in an OpenXava application if you use a Java portal, such as Liferay. Also, you can use the official solution that OpenXava team offers: XavaPro. Even though these solutions may be valid for new projects, for legacy projects you may need apply other ones. In this post we are going to customize our own solution for navigation and security starting from the standard OpenXava solution: NaviOX.
3 posts tagged with "openxava"
View All TagsMain JSPs in OpenXava
OpenXava is an AJAX Java Framework for rapid development of enterprise web applications. In OpenXava you only have to write the domain classes in plain Java to get a web application ready for production. Under the hood, there are a lot of JSPs that, magically, build all the pages on the fly. In spite of being an extensible and customizable framework, if you want to change the default behaviour of OpenXava projects, you will have to know how different JSPs are related each other. In this post we are going to use OpenXava 5.3.2. Basically, we can distinguish two types of pages:
- SignIn page
- Regular pages where data can be edited (detail page) or listed (list page) (or both)
Reverse Engineering and Code Generation
The goal of this post is to explain how to model a database into java pojo classes with EJB or JPA annotations using reverse engineering. We can use several tools such as MinuteProject or Mogwai ERDesignerNG. In this post we are going to use JBoss Tools plugins for Eclipse (Hibernate Tools). With this tool not only can you configure files using JPA and EJB annotations, but also other annotations such as OpenXava.