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4 posts tagged with "css"

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· 28 min read

OpenXava does not include a complete security and navigation system, although you can easily add security and navigation in an OpenXava application if you use a Java portal, such as Liferay. Also, you can use the official solution that OpenXava team offers: XavaPro. Even though these solutions may be valid for new projects, for legacy projects you may need apply other ones. In this post we are going to customize our own solution for navigation and security starting from the standard OpenXava solution: NaviOX.

· 9 min read

A grid system divides the screen into multiple rows and columns that can be used to create various types of layouts. With Bootstrap, to set the maximum width of the page content according to the screen width, you have to use a container. All the rows and columns should be placed inside a container to ensure proper alignment and padding.

· One min read

Many times it is very annoying when you are designing a page and suddenly you notice that something is not properly aligned.

In these cases, it can be helpful to outline elements on the page to figure out how they are being rendered in relation to one another. One solution would be to write your own css class, such as the following:

* { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px red }

· 2 min read

One of the most common tasks while designing web pages is centering elements both vertically and horizontally.

To center a block (div, p, h1, and so on) horizontally, the only thing you have to do is to apply a margin auto to it. For example,

.horizontal-align {
margin:0 auto;