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3 posts tagged with "eclipse-2"

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· One min read

Suddenly, pulling a git project in eclipse from bitbucket I got the error:

cannot open git-upload-pack

I do not understand why this error occurs, but the solution is to configure the following parameter:

http.sslVerify false

In Eclipse we have to configure this parameter via Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration and clicking Add Entry...

· 5 min read

The Google Plugin for Eclipse lets you create, test, and upload App Engine applications from within Eclipse. The Google Plugin for Eclipse also makes it easy to develop applications using Google Web Toolkit (GWT), to run on App Engine or in any other environment. However, this plugin doesn't use Maven. In this post we are going to explain how to manage dependencies in a GAE project using Eclipse and Maven.

· 8 min read

En este post se va a explicar cómo consumir un web service SOAP utilizando WebServiceTemplate de Spring. Concretamente, se va a consumir los servicios proporcionados por, el cual tiene dos métodos, uno GetWeather, que permite obtener la temperatura en una ciudad de un país dado, y otro, GetCitiesByCountry, que permite obtener la relación de ciudades de un país de las que se tiene información meteorológica. El WSDL del web service se encuentra en